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The Eastend Working Class are resilient and will come through Covid -19 Crisis - By Lisa Stepanovic

Social Ark was set up to support entrepreneurial young people from under-resourced communities to set up social enterprises and community projects. We are a truly inclusive organisation, we value lived experience over formal qualifications and welcome all ideas aligned with our values. Our approach is hands-on and individually tailored, we’re proud that the young people going through our programmes choose to stay connected and be part of our supportive #SocialArkFamily The COVID-19 crisis has tested our young working-class grassroots community leaders to the max. It was already tough for us, we’ve used to local opportunities, funding and support going to people that pity and look down on us as if we were another species. We've adapted because it’s something we’re used to doing, and have had to do for so long. We're resilient, resourceful and definitely really good at making a little go a long way. Our young social entrepreneurs use their own lived experiences to come up with solutions to the problems on their doorsteps. We've been doing great work since 2015 and they’ve gone from strength to strength delivering services that have brought people from all backgrounds together, changing their own lives and positively impacting the communities around them. Unfortunately, our local community centre and housing association seem to favour and invest in well-meaning 'saviours' who constantly parachute in our ‘deprived communities’ intent on fixing us with their textbook solutions. Many of them go on to be ‘Award-Winning’ social entrepreneurs. Not hard when you’ve literally had everything handed to you on a plate. Free office space, £17pw housing, and fast-tracked to local corporate/community CSR social entrepreneur initiatives with 20k grants attached. Personally, I can’t understand what drives a ‘socially driven’ individual to jump on these opportunities if they truly did believe in addressing inequality and social justice. Surely, if you’re able to afford to take an unpaid year-long career break, then you should be able to use your notable track record and ‘solid grounding in fundamental professional skills’ to fund your own career development and social experiments, instead of literally robbing locals of the community initiatives meant for them. Our young people constantly tell us "they don't need or want to be fixed by people that have never walked a day in their shoes" They don't want or need hand-outs, they’re certainly not up for being the subject of ‘social experiments’ either. They simply want access to the tools and support to fix their own problems. Our young people have a vested interest in improving our communities. They constantly deliver exceptional impact, safer streets, community cohesion, greater equality, that’s what all our young social entrepreneurs are striving for; surely that's a win for all of us and something worth getting behind?

Thanks so much to everyone that's contributed so far to Social Ark's crowdfund. Our incredible young social entrepreneurs and some of our amazing mentors explain why we're now having to launch our First Ever Ask of the public for donations. Our young people aren't eligible for the government funds, and they’re last on the list when it comes to local support and opportunities. If you believe in our work and recognise what our brilliant young social entrepreneurs are up against, please give what you can, share and support. Every penny raised will go directly to supporting our young Social Ark Family members with the essentials to survive this crisis. Thank you.

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